We congraltulate you on your achieved Customer Service (CSI) rating! However that is just one part of the entire customer journey, while Customer Experience (CX) encompasses all the interactions between your brand and a customer. Within this high-level distinction, there are even more ways to separate  and improve CX from customer service.

                    Enhancing CX and Business Success in the Auto Service  Industry

At Marvelzap we understand the challenges faced by the car service sector in maintaining successful business growth, while facing the demands of everyday life. With over 40 years of experience in the auto service industry, we specialize in providing tailored CX  business training to help you achieve long-term success while maintaining a healthy work-life balance.

                 The main elements of the training:

  • ·       Determining service customer needs
  • ·       Using data to understand the customer experience
  • ·       Creating a buying process that makes the customer aware of the feeling of satisfaction/experience.
  • ·       Mapping the customer journey
  • ·       User research and usability testing
  • ·       Customer Experience Analysis
  •        Connection of the customers and CSAT factors